Archives 2021


Consulting in den Projekten der Wassertechnik und Wasseraufbereitung

In Anbetracht des Mangels an trinkbarem und sauberem Wasser für die Wirtschaft sowie Landwirtschaft im mittleren Osten, wie zum Beispiel dem Iran, Iraq, Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Turkmenistan, Aserbaidschan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan und einigen weiteren Ländern und ebenfalls dem Bedarf an Reinigung der wirtschaftlichen und humanen Abwässer in diesen Ländern, werden von unterschiedlichen Firmen aus Europa sowie anderen fortgeschrittenen Ländern, die um einen Platz in dieser ständig wachsenden Branche konkurrieren, große Summen an Geld in diesen Bereichen investiert.

Inmitten dieses Konkurrenzkampfes sollte die Republik Österreich mit ihrer beträchtlichen Expertise und Hintergrund in diesem Bereich sowie den Aktivitäten österreichischer Firmen im Bereich der Kläranlagen und der Reinigung von Abwässern und die Herstellung der dafür notwendigen Materialien, ihren Teil von diesem profitablen Geschäft einholen.

In dem Sinne und im Sinne der Hilfe anderer Menschen hat diese Firma beschlossen sich diese einmalige Möglichkeit nicht entgehen zu lassen und möchte seine Tätigkeiten in Bereichen des Exports der benötigten Geräte, Maschinen, Materialien, Werkzeuge sowie etwaige andere Produkte, die in dieser Industrie Verwendung finden, beginnen.  

Ausreichende Kenntnisse über den technischen Fortschritt und die Kultur der oben genannten Länder sind eine unumstrittene Bedingung, um in diese Branche einsteigen zu können. Aus diesem Grund werden Personen mit folgenden Qualifikationen für diese Tätigkeit benötigt:

  1. Ausreichende Erfahrung im Bereich der Abwasser Reinigung.
  2. Genügend Kenntnisse über die obigen Länder und die gängigen rechtlichen und technischen Vorgänge.
  3. Akademische Ausbildung im Bereich der Abwasser Reinigung, wie zum Beispiel Chemieingenieurwesen, Anlagenbau und ähnlichen mit der Tätigkeit im Zusammenhang stehende Studienrichtungen.
  4. Führungserfahrungen sowie eine neugierige und wissbegierige Persönlichkeit, sodass neue und moderne Technologien gelernt und angewendet werden können.
  5. Vorhandene Sprachkenntnisse in den Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch und gegeben falls Französisch, um mit österreichischen und europäischen Firmen kommunizieren zu können und ebenfalls neueste Technologien in Betrieb nehmen zu können.
  6. Interesse an einer Tätigkeit und Leben in Österreich, sodass neben einer bestehenden Tätigkeit ebenfalls im Sinne der Republik Österreich gehandelt wird.

In dem Sinne wird der Export von Produkten, Materialien, Systemen, Maschinen und der notwendigen Technologie für die Wasser und Abwasser Reinigung und ebenfalls zur Herstellung von Süßwasser im industriellen und privaten Bereich begonnen.

Es wurden zwei, im Bereich der Wasser und Abwasser Industrie sowie Planung und Kontrolle, erfahrene Experten zur Zusammenarbeit eingeladen. Außerdem wird eine erfahrene Bürokraft für die Kommunikation und eine weitere für die Bestellung und Entlassung von Waren in Österreich und den Zielgebieten benötigt.

Diesbezüglich ist es notwendig regelmäßige Reisen zum Zweck der Anleitung und Beratung, Installation und Inbetriebnahme der exportierten Einheiten, zu unternehmen. Dieses Vorhaben ist sicherlich mittels der genannten Experten mit Leichtigkeit zu realisieren.

Other forms of settlement

Third-country nationals are individuals who are neither EEA- nor Swiss citizens. If they intend to reside or settle in Austria for a period of more than six months they require a residence title (permission to stay for more than six months) corresponding to their residence purpose.

For stays of up to six months no residence title shall be granted. Instead, a visa must be applied for if necessary.

General requirements for granting a residence title

The following requirements must be met for any residence title to be granted:

  • Adequate means of subsistence:
    The third-country national must have a fixed and regular own income enabling him/her to meet his/her livelihood without resorting to welfare aid from local authorities. They must have a regular monthly income (e.g. Austrian or foreign pensions, profits from enterprises abroad, income from assets, savings or company shares) equaling of the standard rates of the General Social Insurance Act (ASVG) 2021: For Singles € 1,000.48, for married couples or partnerships € 1,578.36 and € 154.37 additionally for each child.
  • Health insurance coverage:
    The third-country national must have health insurance coverage, providing benefits in Austria and covering all risks.
  • Adequate accommodation according to local standards:
    The third-country national must provide evidence of a legal title to an accommodation (e.g. by presenting a lease contract) considered adequate for his/her family size according to local standards.

Providing evidence of German language skills (“German prior to immigration”)

Third-country nationals have to provide evidence of German language skills at A1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, when first applying for a residence title “Settlement permit – gainful employment excluded”. Only basic German language skills at beginner level are required.

Evidence of German language skills may be provided by a generally acknowledged language diploma from one of the following institutions:

  • Austrian Language Diploma German 
  • Goethe-Institut e.V. 
  • Telc GmbH 
  • Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF)

The fulfillment of the requirements of Modules 1 or 2 of the Integration Agreement also rates as evidence of adequate German language skills.

The language diploma must not be older than one year when being submitted.

Evidence of adequate German language skills does not need to be provided by

  • Persons who have not completed 14 years of age when applying
  • Persons who cannot reasonably be expected to provide such evidence on grounds of their physical or mental health condition; in such a case, the third-country national must provide a medical report issued by a doctor appointed by an Austrian consular representation.
  • Family members of holders of a „Red-White-Red – Card” for highly qualified persons, a „Blue Card EU“ or or a „settlement permit – researcher“
  • Family members of holders of a „long-term resident – EU”, if the holder has had a „Red-White-Red – Card”, a „Blue Card EU“ or a „settlement permit – researcher“
  • Persons applying for a “settlement permit – researcher” and certain categories applying for a „settlement permit – artists“
  • Persons, who declare in writing that they do not want to settle in Austria longer than 24 months within 3 years and also waive the possibility to apply for a further residence title after the first extension.

“settlement permit – artists”

A “Residence Permit – Artists” entitles the holder to pursue a self-employed or dependently employed activity, which consists mainly of artistic design.

Next to the general conditions for granting a residence permit, a dependently employed artist has to submit the application for a “settlement permit – artists” together with a written declaration by the employer to comply with the conditions of employment specified in the application.

In the case of self-employed artistic activity, a written contract for an activity lasting more than six months is required next to proof of fulfilling the general granting requirements. 

A Declaration of Liability is permissible.

Other required documents

  • For employment: declaration of the employer according to  the “Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz”
  • For self-employment: a contract
  • Proof of an artistic education or description of former artistic works

“settlement permit – researchers”

The “Residence permit – researcher” entitles the holder to work as a researcher.

In addition to proof of compliance with the general conditions of granting a residence permit, an admission agreement with a certified research facility or a research facility which does not require certification according to the Act on the Residence and Residence (NAG) (eg university) must be submitted.

The residence title “Settlement Permit – researchers” shall be issued for the duration of two years. After two years of settlement in Austria a researcher can apply for a “Red-White-Red Card plus”. This residence permit shall be granted for three years, if the researcher was legally settled in Austria for the last two years without interruption. 
Applications for researchers and their family members can be filed in Austria after legal entry and during their legal stay. 
The “Settlement Permit – researchers” can be renewed once for one year for the purpose of job search or company foundation.

Other required documents

  • Hosting Agreement from the research institution

“settlement permit – special cases of dependent gainful occupation”

For certain special cases of dependent employment in Austria a “settlement permit – special cases of dependent gainful occupation” can be granted if the general requirements are fulfilled. This applies for example to foreign media respondents, university professors or teachers at international schools. 

Other required documents

  • Contract of employment

“settlement permit – gainful employment excepted”

Third-country nationals wishing to settle in Austria without gainful employment (e.g. pensioners, financially independent individuals) may obtain a residence title “settlement permit – gainful employment excepted“.

This residence title may be granted to third-country nationals, if: 

  • they fulfill the general requirements for granting a residence permit, 
  • a quota under the quota system is available (only a limited number of settlement permits can be granted each year).
  • they have a regular monthly income (e.g. Austrian or foreign pensions, profits from enterprises abroad, income from assets, savings or company shares) equaling twice the amount of the standard rates of the General Social Insurance Act (ASVG):

General Social Insurance Act – standard rates for the year 2021

Standard rateTwice the rate
Single€ 1,000.48€ 2,000.96
Married couples or partnerships€ 1,578.36€ 3,156.72
Additionally for each child€ 154.37€ 308.74

“Long-term Resident – EU”

The residence title “long-term resident – EU” may be granted to third-country nationals, if they

The residence title “long-term resident – EU” allows long-term settlement and free access to the labour market. The document shall be issued for the duration of five years.
– Application:
€ 120 for persons older than 6 years, for children up to 6 years: € 75
– Granting:
€ 70 for persons older than 6 years, for children up to 6 years: € 100
– Costs of personalisation (Fingerprints, scan of photography and signature): € 20

Competent authority

Competent first instance authorities shall be the local Provincial Governor’s Office or the duly authorised district administration bodies (District or Municipal Administrative Authorities). Local competence is governed by the (intended) domicile of the third-country national concerned.

Any complaints against decisions by the competent first instance authorities shall be handled by the locally competent Provincial Administrative Court. The authority shall decide on applications without undue delay, but not later than within six months after receipt.

Filing an application

As a matter of principle, first applications for a residence title shall be filed with the competent Austrian consular representation (embassy or specific consulates) abroad. Local competence of the consular representation depends on the applicant’s domicile. 

The consular representation abroad shall examine the application for completeness and correctness and then forward it to the competent authorities in Austria.

Certain groups of persons may also file first applications in Austria, for example

  • Third country nationals entitled to enter Austria without a visa, during their permitted stay without a visa
  • Third country nationals within six months after loss of their Austrian, Swiss or EEA citizenship
  • Third country nationals within six months after the end of their lawful settlement in Austria, if they were previously not required to hold a residence permit according to the provisions of the Settlement and Residence Act,
  • Third country nationals applying for a “settlement permit – researcher” and their family members after lawful entry and during lawful residence 
  • Third Country nationals applying for a permission for students or volunteers after lawful entry and during lawful residence
  • Certain Third country nationals applying for a „settlement permit – special cases of dependent gainful occupation“ after lawful entry and during lawful residence and
  • Persons, who hold a permission “ICT” or “Researcher” from another member state
  • Third country nationals, who have an Austrian „Maturazeugnis“ after lawful entry and during lawful residence
An application filed in Austria shall generally not grant a right of residence to the applicant beyond the time he/she is allowed to stay with or without a visa. When the time allowed to stay with or without a visa has expired he/she is required to depart and must await proceedings abroad.

Generally scope of residence titles and validity

The residence title allows time-limited settlement without access to the labour market and shall be generally issued for the duration of one year.

The residence title shall be issued for a duration of three years if 

  • the third-country national has completed Module 1 of the Integration Agreement and 
  • has lawfully resided in Austria without interruption during the previous two years.

After five years of lawful residence without interruption, a residence title “Long-term Residence – EU” may be applied for 

Generally required documents

For any residence permit to be granted the following documents have to be submitted:

  • Valid travel document (This requirement is waived in the case of a first application of a child within six months after birth, if the child does not yet have a valid travel document)
  • Birth certificate or similar document (only with first applications) 
  • Current photo of applicant
  • If applicable
    • Marriage certificate
    • Divorce certificate
    • Certificate of registered partnership
    • Certificate of dissolution of registered partnership
    • Adoption papers
    • Evidence or certificate concerning the family relationship
    • Death certificate
  • Evidence of a legal title to an accommodation according to local standards, including lease or sublease contracts, preliminary property contracts or ownership evidence (except persons, who apply for a Settlement Permit – researches, however the cocts for accommodation have to be proved in order to calculate the means of secure subsistence)
  • Evidence of health insurance protection covering all risks and providing benefits in Austria, including submission of the corresponding insurance policy, unless compulsory insurance coverage exists or will exist
  • Evidence of means of secure subsistence (pay slip, pay certificate, employment contracts, certificates of state pension, pension insurance or other insurance benefits, evidence of adequate amounts of invested capital or owned assets)
    Please note: Evidence of social benefits which are only due when the residence title is granted, including welfare aid and differential allowance, are not permissible.
  • Evidence of German language skills

The authority may also require you to submit other documents on a case by case basis.
For example, many authorities require the submission of an extract from police records (or a certificate of good standing) in case of first time applications. If this is submitted with the application it can help to speed up the application procedure.

You have to submit originals and copies of the abovementioned documents. The authorities may request that German or English translations or certified versions of the documents be provided for a thorough examination.


Family members reunification

The third country residents are people who are not EEA- or Swiss residents. Family’s members of third country residents who plan to live in Austria (more than 6 months) need an estate title (approval to live in Austria more than 6 months) conforming to their estate goal. 

For residence up, to six months no estate title should be given. Rather, a visa must have pertained if it’s essential.

Who is considered a family member?

Family members are:

husbands and wives, unmarried children, adoptive children, and partners who are registered.

Please note that the spouses and reported partners should be 21 years old.

Which residence ownership would be permitted to family members?

“Red White Red Karte plus“

Family members of:

  • “Red White Red Karte” owners or “EU Blue Karte” owners
  • The third country citizens with a long period estate title in Austria
  • owners of a “Red White Red Karte plus”
  • owners of a “payment permit” for self required individuals
  • specific owners of a “payment permit particular cases of conditional gainful jobs” or
  • owners of a “payment permit researchers”
  • refugees
  • owners of an estate card or continuous estate card
  • owners of an estate permit

In specific cases, there is an allowance regulation for family reunification estate approval. The “Red White Red Karte plus” awards the owners free permits to the job market. According to the Act Governing, the Employment of Foreign Nationals no additional authorizations are expected for any utilized activity. 

“Family Member”

Austrian national’s family members should attain the estate title “Family Member”, given if they fulfill the granting regulations.

“The Agreement Permit Dependant”

The dependants of Austrian citizens should attain the estate title “Agreement Permit Dependant” when the granting regulations are fulfilled and the supporter, that the third country federal refers in the request has approved a detriment statement.

Other minors are:

  • Relatives, enrolled husbands and wives in the ascending chain when they obtain existing maintenance
  • Life partners that submitting proof of a long duration relationship in their country and obtaining existing maintenance
  • Other relatives under specific conditions
  • “Agreement Permit”
  • The family member of
  • owners of “Agreement permits”,
  • owners of “Agreement permits – dependant”,
  • “Agreement allows artist” or
  • specific issues of “Agreement permits – particular issues of the dependent job”

should attain a payment permit, when the quota area is obtainable, and the regulations are met.

An “Agreement permit” should also be awarded to inhabit partners or expanded members of the family of EEA citizens or Swiss citizens, when the supporter indicates a liability statement and granting regulations are met. In this issue, no quota area is desired. 

“Agreement Permit Profitable assistance excepted”

The member of family’s owners of

  • specific “Agreement permits”, or
  • “Agreement permit Profitable job exempted”,

should attain an “Agreement permit”, when all regulations are met and in specific issues when a quota area is available.


There is no quota regulation respecting estate titles administered to members of the family’s “Red White Red Karte” owners, “EU Blue Karte” owners, or members of family member’s Austrian residents. The number of other estate titles being published for family reunification every year is restricted.

General regulations for awarding an estate title:

The subsequent regulations should be fulfilled for awarding any estate title:

  • Sufficient averages of subsistence:
  • The third country federal should have adjusted and normal earnings enabling them to fulfill their livelihood without using welfare assistance from local permissions.
  • The earnings desire to be comparable to or exceed the common earnings ratio.
  • Health insurance range:
  • The third country federal should have the health insurance range, furnishing benefits in Austria and supporting all threats.
  • The family member of “Red White Red Karte” owners, “EU Blue Karte” owners, or family members of Austrian inhabitants are supported by their supporters’ health insurance. 
  • Sufficient housing according to local criteria:
  • The third country federal should give proof of a valid title to housing, evaluated sufficiently for their family members to regional norms. This is not expected for expanded family members of EEA citizens or Swiss citizens. 

Providing proof of German language abilities

Family Members must submit proof of German language abilities on A1 Nivea in agreement with CEFR. when first pertaining for one of the additional estate titles:

  • “Red White Red Karte plus “
  • “Member of Family”
  • “Agreement Permit Dependant”
  • “Agreement Permit”
  • “Agreement Permit Profitable job except”

The German language abilities just at beginner status are expected.

Proof of sufficient German language abilities can be furnished by a commonly admitted language certification from Austrian Integration, for example, Telc, Goethe Institut, and Austrian Languages Certificate German

The satisfaction of the regulations of the first and second Modules of the integration approval ratios is an indication of sufficient German language abilities.


The language certificate shouldn’t be older than 1 year at the time it’s being fulfilled.

Proof of sufficient German language abilities doesn’t desire to be furnished by:

  • Individuals who aren’t still 14 years
  • Individuals who cannot relatively be predicted to give such proof because of their physical or psychological health circumstance; in such example, the third country citizen should submit a medical statement handed out by a doctor nominated by an Austrian consular manifestation.
  • Family members of owners of an estate title the “Red White Red Karte” for skilled employees, “EU Blue Karte” or “agreement allow researcher”
  • Family members of owners of an estate title “Long term Occupant EU”, when their supporter initially held an estate title the “Red White Red Karte”, “EU Blue Karte“or an „agreement authorization researchers”.
  • Refugee’s Family members
  • Persons who assert in writing, that their remaining would not be extended than 24 months in 3 years; this statement contains the irrevocable disclaimer of the compliance of an additional request after the first addition request.

Well Qualified Authority:

Skilled first instance permissions should be the regional Office of Local or the properly approved area council bodies. Provincial competence is regulated by the settlement of third country citizens related.

Any discontent against determinations by the skilled first instance councils should be regulated by the locally qualified Provincial Administrative Court. Then the council should agree on applications and complaints without unnecessary delay, but not more than six months after permit.

Classifying an application:

First applications for estate titles should be classified with the qualified Austrian embassy abroad. The regional qualification of the consular indication relies on the applicant’s estate.

The consular manifestation abroad should evaluate the request for entireness and accuracy and then send it to the qualified councils in Austria.

The following member of families are allowed to classify their applications in Austria:

  • Family members of Austrian residents after legal entry and in their valid stay
  • Children after birth (6 months after birth), when the supporter holds a legal estate title
  • Family members are allowed to arrive, and they don’t need a visa, after valid entry, and in their valid stay
  • Family members of owners of an “Agreement authorization researchers” after valid entry and in their valid stay
  • Extensive family members of EEA citizens or Swiss citizens who apply for an “Agreement permit” after valid entry and in the valid stay


An application classified in Austria should in most circumstances not permit the right of the estate to application farther the time the applicant is enabled to live with a visa or without a visa. If the time allowed to live with a visa or without a visa has ended the applicant is expected to emigrate and should expect to proceed abroad.

The domain of residence titles and accuracy:

The estate titles the “Red White Red Karte Plus” and the “Family Member” enable time restricted agreement and authorize the owner to have access to the job market. The “agreement permit” permits for time restricted agreement and allows the owner to self career. 

The “agreement permit profitable job excepted” and “agreement permit dependent” let for time restricted agreement and do not allow the holder to have a career. Estate titles are awarded for 12 months.

  • The estate titles the “Red White Red Karte Plus” and the “Family Member” should be granted for 3 years, when:
  • the family member has obtained the first Module of integration approval and
  • inhabited in Austria legally without discounting in the previous 2 years.
  • After 5 years of legal accommodation without discounting, the estate title “Long period citizen EU” can be pertained for, when:
  • All requirements have been fulfilled and
  • The second module of the integration agreement has been obtained.

The length of “Red White Red Karte plus” for the members of the family’s owners of an estate title the “EU Blue Karte” is conditional on the existence of the license of the supporter.

Necessary documents:

These documents are specifically expected for the estate permit granting:

  • Legal passport
  • birth certificate document
  • photo 
  • marriage evidence
  • divorce evidence
  • Evidence of registered agreement
  • certificate of the abolition of the inventory partnership
  • adoption documents
  • proof of the family connection
  • death document
  • proof of insurance 
  • Document of a valid title to locally formal accommodation 
  • Proof of averages of secure subsistence 
  • Proof that supporter holds the necessary estate title
  • Proof of German language abilities

The council can furthermore require you to fulfil other manuscripts on an issue definition. For instance, many councils need the compliance of a selection from police reports, if first requests for the first time. If this is fulfilled with the request it may enable to speed up the request protocol.


Applicants should submit the original and copy of all needed documents, which are translated into German or English


Graduating from Austrian universities (Universität) and universities of applied science (Fachhochschule):

The condition for the graduates from third countries:

Estate Permit to search for a job or start a career

When you are a third country federal who has maintained and prosperously finished the studies or the mandatory activity after studying you can make new your estate permit “Students” for twelve months for the intention of searching for a job or beginning a career provided that you meet the general regulation according to Austrian concession and residence regulation.

Red White Red Karte for graduates

When during twelve months, you obtain a job invitation from an employer, that fits your status of capability, you can apply for a Red White Red Karte and there is no need to have a labor market test, supply that you achieve these requirements:

  • you get to receive the entire lowest income which is similar to the Austrian graduates will get pay, but at least € 2,497.50 per month, plus particular fees you meet general regulation according to  Austrian concession and estate constitution.


Graduates don’t have any point system. The Red White Red Karte permits you to live in Austria and to have a job for a defined career in your request.

You can receive the Red White Red Karte when you have finished your education in an Austrian university or the university of applied science or private college. You have main verified that you have completed a certificate of a program, which is minimum from the second grade of education, like a bachelor program or master program or a (Ph.D.) doctoral program.

Red White Red Karte plus for graduates

You can pertain to a Red White Red Karte plus with infinite job market entry when you were utilized in agreement with eligibility standards minimum 21 months in 24 months.

Critical documents for the Red White Red Karte:

  • Legal passport
  • birth certificate document
  • photo 
  • proof of insurance 
  • evidence of ensured employment and confirmation of housing costs.
  • when applicants relate to benefits or the accomplishment of accountable third parties, the relative evidence should be fulfilled.
  • evidence of successful fulfilment of studies or conforming training


It is acceptable to make a statement of liability, to change Red White Red Card Karte, the valid regulations should be fulfilled.


Red-White-Red karte plus

Red White Red Karte plus allows you as the third country federal to fixed term concession and continual carrier market admission.

Who is capable of the Red-White Red Kart plus?

Red White Red Karte’s Renewal or the EU Blue Karte

  • as the owner of a Red white Red Karte, when you were utilized in agreement with eligibility regulations for a Red White Red Karte for a minimum of 21 months in the going in advance 24 months
  • as the EU Blue Karte’s owner, when you were utilized in agreement with the eligibility regulations for the EU Blue Karte for a minimum of 21 months in the foregoing 24 months
  • For Family members
  • Red White Red Karte’s family members owners or EU Blue Karte owners
  • foreign citizen’s family member lived in Austria
  • in some cases, family members of proprietors of the Red White Red Karte plus, who recently held the Red White Red Karte or a Compromise Agree on Researcher
  • family members of owners of an Agreement Permit
  • in some cases, family members of owners of an Agreement Permit Particular Cases of Profitable Employment or an Agreement Permit Researcher

These persons are deemed family members: husbands and wives, enrolled partners (same sex), unmarried underage children, including fostering and adoptive children, till the age of 18.

When you apply a request, spouses, and enrolled partners minimum of 21 years old.

For Other cases:

as a researcher, scholar, or scientist when you held the estate ownership of Agreement Permit Researcher for a minimum of two years, When you recently have the estate title Agreement Residence EU, that terminated because of your long estate outside of the EEA, when you are the owner of an estate title founded on meriting deliberation under the Asylgesetz, you can be enabled to change to Red White Red Karte plus in specific cases and when you are the owner of an agreement Permit or a Dependant Agreement Permit contributed that:

you’ve been legally settled in Austria for two years and are incorporated you have a legal work license or valid protection documents, or you are a family component of third country federal that plummets within the first and second item, submitted you have been legally lived in Austria for twelve months. 

Where to apply the request?

When you have a first-time request for an estate title, for instance, a member of the family, you must arrange your request before arriving in Austria with the Austrian embassy abroad.

When you are enabled to arrive in Austria with a visa free administration or when you have a valid estate title you can also send your application directly to the Provincial Governor in Austria.

When you want to make your estate title new, you must make sure to send your request on time.

Which documents must be submitted?

These documents should be accepted for the allocation of an occupancy title:

  • Legal passport
  • birth certificate document
  • photo 
  • marriage evidence
  • divorce evidence
  • Evidence of registered agreement
  • certificate of the abolition of the inventory partnership
  • adoption documents
  • proof of the family connection
  • death document
  • proof of insurance 
  • Document of a valid title to locally formal accommodation 
  • evidence of adequate averages of subsistence 

The council can furthermore require you to fulfil other manuscripts on an issue definition. For instance, many councils need the compliance of a selection from police reports, if first requests for the first time. If this is fulfilled with the request it may enable to speed up the request protocol.


Applicants should submit the original and copy of all needed documents, which are translated into German or English.

When would the Red White Red Karte plus be issued?

You must have the general requirements for estate titles like for the respective title.When you are applying for a request for the first time, and you are also a family member you must provide evidence of German language (Nivea A1).


When you are an owner of Red White Red Karte’s for skilled careers an EU Blue Karte, or a Settlement Allow Researcher, you shouldn’t deliver evidence of German language before arriving in Austria.

How long is the Red White Red Karte plus legal?

Red White Red Karte plus is legal for one year. When you have legally lived in Austria for minimum of two years and you meet the integration Agreement’s module 1, you can attain Red White Red Karte plus legal for three years.


EU Blue Karte:

When a third nation citizen wants to award an EU Blue Karte, should:

  • have attained a course of study at a college or institute or university with at least three years
  • have accepted a necessary job invitation for a minimum of one year in Austria and the job conforms to the education process,
  • will earn an entire annual salary of a minimum of one and a half time the regular total annual earnings of full-time workers (minimum € 65,579; annual salary and particular payments),
  • and the labor market examination demonstrates that there isn’t any equally allowed worker enrolled as the job founder career seeker with Public Employment Service (AMS).

For EU Blue Karte applicants there isn’t any points procedure.

Where to submit the request?

Requests for an EU Blue Karte can either be documented by yourself with the embassy in your hometown or region of the estate or, also by your potential employer with the regional Provincial Governor’s Office. Onwards with the request, an employer’s statement must be fulfilled,

that is a written authorization of the corporation on the situations of employment of your career.

When you are allowed to arrive in Austria or already retain a valid estate title, you can file the request yourself with the qualified estate council in Austria.

Which documents should be arranged?

These documents should be accepted for the allocation of an occupancy title:

  • Legal passport
  • birth certificate document
  • photo 
  • marriage evidence
  • divorce evidence
  • Evidence of registered agreement
  • certificate of the abolition of the inventory partnership
  • adoption documents
  • proof of the family connection
  • death document
  • proof of insurance 
  • proof of fulfilment of a program of study at a college or university or other educational organization at least three years:
  • diploma of prosperous graduation
  • evidence of the educational organization
  • Career’s statement to the Act Governing the Employment of Foreign Nationals

The council can furthermore require you to fulfil other manuscripts on an issue. For instance, many councils need the compliance of a selection from police reports, if first requests for the first time. If this is fulfilled with the request it may enable to speed up the request protocol.


You must fulfil originals and copies of all documents. All documents should translate into German or English language.

When would an EU Blue Karte be administered?

The Austrian estate permission would forward your request and funding documents to (AMS) Public Employment Service. AMS will evaluate if

  • a procedure of study with at least three years was obtained,
  • the income corroborates to the statutory lowest salary
  • no skilled employees enrolled as career seekers are usable for the job in concern.

When all regulations are fulfilled, AMS would bring authorization to the estate council, which would consequently administer the EU Blue Karte, contributed that more regulations are fulfilled. When the request is permitted, you would be notified by the estate council. In the issue of visa regulation, you must pertain for a visa category D, to arrive in Austria and obtain estate ownership.

The EU Blue Karte allows you to fixed duration territory and career with a special employer. It’s handed out for 24 months.

When would the Red White Red Karte plus be administered?

When you have an EU Blue Karte, you can pertain for the Red White Red Karte plus in Austria. When you were utilized in agreement with the eligibility standards for EU Blue Karte for minimum of 21 months in the foregoing 24 months. (AMS) Public Employment Service performs the inquiry. Red White Red Karte plus authorizes you to fixed term concession and entire labor demand admission.


Start-up producer:

As third country federal, you may pertain to the Red White Red Karte for start up producers when you:

  • organize a corporation to expand the market inventive properties, assistance, processing strategies or technologies 
  • to that end fulfill a compatible job proposal for ascertaining and operating that firm
  • personally exert regulating significance on the administration of the recent set-up corporation
  • verify wealth for the corporation to be organized amounting to at least € 50.000 with a wealth investment of a minimum of 50 %
  • can achieve 50 points minimum according to the norms

Which residence ownership would be administered after two years?

When you are a start-up producer you would be granted a Red White Red Karte for two years, then the Red White Red Karte plus, procured that all valid regulations are fulfilled. A Red White Red Karte plus allows you to fixed term concession and entire employee market entry (self assistance and gainful assistance not restricted to a particular employer).

Can Startup Producers take up an assigned duty?

 To take up a utilized duty you change to the Red White Red Karte for skilled Employees, Other Key employees, or qualified Employees in Shortage jobs; in this case, you must fulfil the respective documents, to attain the number of expected points and verifying a lawfully necessary request of job.


Self hired Key Workers:

When you are a third government national you can pertain for the Red White Red Karte for Self hired Key employees, in the case that your self hired employment in Austria establishes macroeconomic advantage under its functioning usefulness.

This can be possible when:

  • your planned duty affects a sustained of enterprise wealth to Austria minimum of € 100.000
  • your planned duty builds new employment or ensures occurring employment in Austria
  • your organization affects the transfer of skilled employees respectively the advent of a new technology
  • your job is significant for the whole country.

For self assigned key employees, there isn’t any points procedure.

How to apply?

You are allowed to make your request for Red White Red Karte with the Austrian embassy in your country or the country of housing.

When you are allowed to Visa or when you have a legal estate authorize. you can fulfil your request with the Provincial Governor.

Which documents are required?

  • A legal passport
  • Birth document  
  • Photo 
  • Proof of insurance 
  • Indication of sufficient averages of subsistence

The council can also propose you fulfil other manuscripts on your case.

For instance, many permissions need the compliance of a selection from police certificates.

For the examination of the macroeconomic advantage, you have to fulfil the following manuscripts:

  • Documents that enable an examination of the market circumstance and the region, containing a comprehensive definition and the purposes of the planned experienced operation (“business plan “)
  • Indication of transfer’s enterprise wealth to Austria and the planned innovation of new employment or securing of occurring careers in Austria
  • Indication of the capability of the self utilized skilled training
  • Company consensuses
  • Skill authorization


You must fulfil originals and copies of all documents. All documents should translate into German or English language.

Can Self desired Key Employee take up a hired employment?

When you want to get a hired job, you will expect to change to the Red White Red Karte for Highly skilled Employees, Other qualified Employees in Shortage jobs; you have to presume to the requirements, to gain the mandatory points and the applicant should verify a lawfully request of job.


Other Key employees

When you are a third country resident and take up the job with an organization in Austria as a key employee, then you can pertain to Red White Red Karte which is reasonable for 24 months when you have these requirements:

  • Your forthcoming employer would pay a statutory lowest salary:
  • For key employees who are over thirty years should have a € 3,330 (2021) total monthly salary plus particular fees.
  • For key employees who are younger than 30 years old have to have € 2,775 (2021) total monthly income plus particular payments for vacations etc.
  • No equally allowed individual enrolled as the jobseeker at the Public Employment Service (AMS) should be spotted job market examination.

How to file this request?

You can arrange the request for a Red White Red Karte in the Austrian Embassy in your hometown of the estate or your probable taskmaster can classify the request with Provincial Governor. An employer’s statement with the items relating to your prospect position of occupation must be fulfilled with the request.

When you are enabled to arrive in Austria with the free visa of the government or when you formerly retain legal housing ownership, you can make your request with the qualified estate council in Austria.


When you are willing to prepare the use of valid manifestation in your valid protocol, please be certain that your Austrian consul is permitted to do so. Oppositely your characteristic won’t be fulfilled by Austrian councils.

Which documents are desired for application?

  • A legal passport
  • Birth document  
  • Photo 
  • Proof of insurance 
  • Indication of sufficient averages of subsistence 

The council can furthermore want you to fulfil other reports depends on each applicant. For instance, many councils need compliance with the authority records.

You must fulfil the subsequent statements for inspection of the norms according to the points system:

1.  Capability (Receipt or certification of completed education)

  • Evidence of eligibility for entrance to university
  • Graduation

2.   Job experience (Acknowledgments and job statements)

3.   Language abilities (For German A1, A2, or B1 levels of CEFR or A2, B1 levels for English.)

4.   Professional sports trainers or skilled sports mentors (Acknowledgments)


You must fulfill originals and copies of these documents. All documents must translate into German or English. For examination goals, the council can ultimately need legalized editions of all documents.


Local shortage Jobs

The subsequent shortage jobs apply just to specific national regions. The employer should require you job in one of the national regions (the year 2021).

The subsequent Jobs are considered as shortage careers:

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg:

Special technicians for civil engineering:

Tiefbautechniker/in, Bauführer/in, Bautechniker/in, Stahlbautechniker/in, Bauleiter/in, Straßenbautechniker/in, Baumeister/in, Hochbautechniker/in,

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Salesclerk and dealer of perfumes, houshold articles, washing & paint, varnishe:

Parfümerieverkäufer/in, Farbenverkäufer/in,

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Tirol:


Fleischermeister/in, Fleischer/in, Fleischverarbeiter/in, Metzger/in, Selcher/in, Fleischhauer/in, Wurster/in,

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg:

Stucco plasterers:

Trockenausbau, Trockenausbauer/in, Gipser/in, Vorarbeiter/in, Stukkateur/in,

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Plastics processor:

Laminierer/in, Extruderführer/in, Kunststofftechniker/in, Kunstharzpresser/in, Monteur/in, Kunststoff-Werkmeister/in, Maschinenarbeiter, Kunststoffschweißer, Plastikpresser/in, Kunststoffentgrater/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Vorarlberg:

Restaurant chefs:

Mehlspeiskoch/-köchin, Abteilungskoch/in, Kebabkoch, Küchenchef/in,Alleinkoch/-köchin, Gastgewerbepraktikant,Anstaltskoch/in, Patissier, Chefpatissier, Beikoch, Souschef, Systemgastronomiefachmann, Chef de brigade Entremetier(e), Sushikoch/-köchin, Tournant

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Procurement manager:

Modeausstatter/in, Einkäufer/in, Einkaufsleiter/in, Einkäufer/in, Technische/r

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg:

House painters (Painter):

Funktionsbeschichtung, Minisierer/in, Tapetenkleber/in, Korrosionsschutz,Anstreicher/in, Historische Maltechnik, Malermeister/in, Anstreichermeister/in, Tapetenkleber/in,Lackierer/in und Maler/in, Malermeister/in, Korrosionsschutz

Occupations, offered  in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg: Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Vorarlberg:

Food sales expert retailers:

Süßwarenverkäufer/in, Gemischtwarenverkäufer/in,Backshop-Verkäufer, Feinkostleiter/in, Eisverkäufer/in, Obst- und Gemüseverkäufer/in, Lebensmittelverkäufer,Feinkostverkäufer/in, Feinkostleiter/in-Stellvertreter/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

railway profession’s other kinds:

Seilbahntechniker/in, Fahrdienstleiter/in, Wagenmeister/in, Seilbahnfachfrau/mann, Seilbahnbedienstete/er

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg:

Department store salesclerks:

Handle, Gartencenterkaufmann/ Frau, Warenhausverkäufer/in, Abteilungsleiter/in,

Occupations, offered  in Salzburg, Tirol:

Special technicians in job management:

Arbeitsvorbereiter/in, Instandhaltung, Wirtschaftstechniker/in, Technisch(er)e Assistent/in,Arbeitstechniker,Betriebstechniker/in, Verkaufstechniker/in, Produktionsplaner, Refa-Techniker/in, Quality Engineer, Technisch(er)e Betriebsleiter/in, Instandhaltungstechniker/in,

Occupations, offered  in Oberösterreich, Steiermark:

Coffee maker and the other food factories:

Lebensmitteltechniker/in, Schichtleiter/in, Vorarbeiter/in, Maschinenführer/in

Occupations, offered  in Tirol, Oberösterreich, Vorarlberg, Salzburg, Steiermark:

The Electrical mechanics:

Elektromechanikermeister/in, Mechatroniker/in,Elektromechaniker/in, Elektromechanikermeister/in, Nachrichtenelektroniker/in, Servicetechniker/in, Mess and Regelmechaniker/in, Medizingerätetechnik, Mikromechaniker/in, IT-Elektroniker/in, Elektromaschinentechnik, Servicetechniker/in für Anlagen und Maschinen und Kühlanlagen und Telekommunikationsnetze, maschinenbauer/in

Occupations, offered  in Oberösterreich:

Manicurists & Cosmeticians & pedicurists:

Diplomierte/r Kosmetiker/in, Tätowierer/in, Fußpfleger/in, Fingernagelstylist/in, Kosmetiker/in, Farb- und Typberater/in, Kosmetische Berater/in, Besonnungsberater/in

 Manikeur/in und Pedikeur/in

Occupations, offered just in Oberösterreich, Salzburg:


Biobäcker/in, Bäcker/in, Backstubenleiter/in, Feinbäcker/in, Bäckermeister/in

Occupations, offered just in Oberösterreich, Tirol:


Fahrzeugsattlerei, Dekorateur/in, Tapezierer/in,Tapezierer/in, Sonnenschutzmonteur,

Fahrzeugtapezierer/in, Dekorateur/in,

Occupations, offered just in Kärnten, Oberösterreich, Salzburg:


Fenstermonteur/in, Glaskonstruktione, Glaser/in, Glasbautechniker/in, Glaskonstruktionen,Glasermeister/in, Glasbautechniker/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Specific technician for surveying:


Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg:

Hairdressers (Haircutter), makeup artists:

Perückenmacher/in,Damenfriseur/in, Friseurmeister/in, Herrenfriseur/in, Friseur/in, Maskenbildner/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Tirol:

Wholesale merchants and sale clerk for electronic devices:

Computer-Verkäufer/in, Elektrowarenverkäufer/in, Elektrofachverkäufer/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg:

Chimney swabbers:


Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Technician in business administration:

Technisch(er)e Assistent/in, Arbeitstechniker/in (Ing), Produktionsplaner/in, Arbeitsvorbereiter/in (Ing), Betriebstechniker/in (Ing),

Refa-Techniker/in (Ing), Wirtschaftstechniker/in,Technisch(er)e Betriebsleiter/in (Ing), Entwicklungstechniker/in,

Technisch(er)e Kalkulant/in (Ing)

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Vorarlberg:

For Graduate civil engineers:

Bautechniker/in for Gebäudetechnik, Bauführer/in (DI), Baustellenleiter/in,

Bauleiter/in (DI), Tiefbautechniker/in

Bautechniker/in (DI),

Bauingenieur/in (DI), Hochbautechniker/in, Straßenbautechniker/in, Bauwesentechniker/in, Tiefbautechniker/in, Statiker/in, Wirtschaftsingenieur/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Economic trustee:

Steuerassistent/in, Bücherrevisor/in, Wirtschaftsprüfer/in, Buchprüfer/in, Wirtschaftsprüfer/in, Finanz- und Wirtschaftsberater/in, International(er)e Wirtschaftsprüfer, Revisionsassistent/in, m

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg:

Wood machine workers:

Holztechniker/in, Schichtleiter/in, Werkstoffproduktion, Holztechniker/in

Occupations, offered in

Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Tirol:

radiator & Auto body tinsmiths:

Karosseriebautechniker/in, Autospenglermeister/in, Spengler/in Karosseur/in Kühlerspengler/in, Karosseriespengler/in, Autospengler/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Welfare worker & social worker:

Entwicklungshelfer/in, Sozialbetreuer/in, Kinderdorfmutter/ vater, Sozialberater/in, Sozialarbeiter/in, Supervisor/in, Familienhelfer/in, Jugendberater/in, Behindertenbetreuer/in, Krisenberater/in, Streetworker/in, Altenhelfer/in, Frauenberater/in, Sozialhelfer/in, Obdachlosenbetreuer/in, Schuldnerberater/in, Bewährungshelfer/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Steiermark:

Denture technicians:

Zahntechnische/er Laborant, Zahntechnikin/er

Occupations, offered in Salzburg:


Florist/in, Naturblumenbinder/in, Kranzbinder/in, Blumenbinder/in, händler/in,

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Surface polisher:

Oberflächentechnik,Federschleifer/in, Oberflächentechniker, Flachschleifer/in, Rundschleifer, Goldschleifer/in, Metallschleifer, Kurbelwellenschleifer/

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Cutter & Toolmaker and punch maker:

Werkzeugbautechnik, Formenbauer/in, Werkzeugbautechnik, Präzisionswerkzeugschleiftechniker, Schnittmacher/in, Werkzeugschlosser,

Werkmeister, Werkzeugmacher/in, Konstrukteur

Occupations, offered in Salzburg:

Stove makers, potters, stove fitters:

Verlegetechniker/in, Hafner/in, Ofenbau, Ofensetzer/in, Hafnermeister/in, Keramikgestalter/in, Keramiker/in

Occupations, offered in Kärnten, Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark:

Furniture makers:

Möbelmonteur/in, Kunsttischler/in,Tischler-Werkmeister/in, Möbeltischler/in, Möbelmonteur/in Möbeltischlermeister/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Machine fitter:

Maschinenbautechnik, Kfz Schlosser/in, Maschinenbautechniker/in, Maschinenschlosser/in, Förderbandmonteur, Maschinenschlosser-, Staplermonteur, Monteur, Werkmeister/in, Maschinenschlossermeister/in, Pumpenschlosser,

Occupations, offered in Salzburg:


Zuckerbäckerei, Konditor/in, Patissier/e, Lebzelter/in, Wachszieher/in, Konditormeister/in

Occupations, offered in Technical draftsmen Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol:

Technischer/e Zeichner/in, Bautechnischer/e, Kartograf/in, Bautechnische/er, Assistent/in,

Zeichner/in, Bautechnisch, Ziviltechnikern

Occupations, offered in Salzburg:

Sale clerk and dealer of integral part & vehicle & accessory:

Zubehörverkäufer/in, Autoverkäufer/in, Kfz-Ersatzteileverkäufer/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Steiermark:

Telecommunication engineering & Technician for weak-current:

Messtechniker/in, Elektroniker/in, Telekommunikationstechniker/in, Fernsehtechniker/in, Sensortechniker/in, Funktechniker/in, Konstrukteur/in – Schwachstrom- und Nachrichtentechnik, Elektromedizintechniker, Schwachstromtechniker, Nachrichtentechniker/in, Röntgentechniker/in, Tontechniker, Radiotechniker/in, Videotechniker, Automatisierung, Regeltechniker/in, Schwachstromtechniker/in, Tontechniker/in, Videotechniker/in

Occupations, offered in Salzburg:

Graphic drafter:

Geoinformationstechniker/in, Gebrauchsgrafiker/in, Multimedia-Konzepter/in, Grafiker/in, Multimedia-Designer/in, Grafisch(er)e Zeichner/in, Animations-Designer/in, 3D-Designer/in, Computergrafiker/in, Multimedia-Konzepter/in, DTP-Grafiker/in, Werbegrafiker/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Steiermark:

Precision mechanics:

Systemtechniker/in, Waagenhersteller, Büromaschinenmechaniker/in, Werkzeugmechaniker/in,Chirurgieinstrumentenerzeuger/in, Automatenmechaniker, Fotomechaniker/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg:

Graduates in business administration:

Assistent/in, Arbeitstechniker/in , Instandhaltung, Arbeitsvorbereiter/in, Technisch, Betriebstechniker/in, Customer Support-Techniker/in, Refa-Techniker/in, Entwicklungstechniker, Technisch(er)e Betriebsleiter/in, Quality Engineer,Technisch e Kalkulant/in, Controller/in, Controlling-Assistent, Wirtschaftstechniker/in ,

Occupations, offered in Salzburg:

Billing clerk & accountant:

Rechnungswesen, Bauabrechner/in, Fakturist/in, Sachbearbeiter/in, Rechnungskontrollor/in, Rechnungsprüfer/in

Occupations, offered in Niederösterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Vorarlberg:  Special medical-technical specialists:

Röntgenassistent/in, Logopäd(e)in, Klinisch(er)e Psycholog(e)in, Ergotherapeut/in, Trainingstherapeut/in, Heilgymnastiker/in, Klinisch(er)e Psycholog(e)inBiomedizinisch(er)e Analytiker/in, Trainingstherapeut/in

Occupations, offered in Steiermark:

Forwarding specialist:

Speditionslogistiker/in, Speditionsfachmann/ frau, Transportberater/in, Zolldeklarant/in, Speditionskaufmann/ frau

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol:

Technical draftsmen:

Bautechnischer/e, Bautechnischer/e, Technischer/e, Zeichner/in, Kartograf/in,Technischer/e, Zeichner/in,Bautechnischer/e Assistent/in

Occupations, offered in Vorarlberg:

Clothing and textile retailer & sale assistant:

Textilverkäufer/in, Bekleidungsverkäufer/in, Textilienverkäufer/in, Pelzwarenverkäufer/in, Teppichverkäufer/in

Occupations, offered in Tirol:


Wärme-/Kälte-/Schall- und Brandschutztechniker/in, Isolierer/in, Wärme /Kälte- und Schallisolierer/in, Innenausbauer/in, Fassadenisolierer/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg:


Saldokontist, Bilanzbuchhalter/in, Rechnungswesenassistent, Buchhalter/in, Finanzassistent, Maschinenbuchhalter, Hotelbuchhalter, Saldokontist, Buchhaltungsangestellt(er)e, Hotelbuchhalter,

Finanzbuchhalter/in, Hauptbuchhalter/in, Hotelbuchhalter/in,

Occupations, offered in Vorarlberg:

Crane elevator & driver and machinist:

Turmdrehkranführer/in, Kranführer/in, Autokranführer/in, Laufkranführer/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg:

Coarse mechanics:

Luftfahrzeugtechniker/in, Betriebsmechaniker/in, Prozesstechnikin/er, Fahrradmechaniker/in, Baumaschinen, Kühlanlagenmechaniker/in, Luftfahrzeugtechniker/in, Kühlmaschinenmechaniker/in, Metalltechniker/in,Maschinenbau-Werkmeister/in, Kälteanlagentechniker, Mechaniker-Werkmeister/in, Landmaschinenmechaniker, Mechanikermeister/in, Allgemeinmechaniker,Nähmaschinenmechaniker/in

Occupations, offered in Salzburg, Vorarlberg:

Social & statistician scientists and economists:

Marktforscher, Betriebswirt/in, Entwicklungsökonom, Betriebswirtschafter/in, Entwicklungsökonom,Handelswissenschafter/in, Betriebsinformatiker,

Sozialwissenschafter/in, Volkswirtschafter, Soziologin/e, Statistiker/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg:

Building fitters, sheet metal fitters, construction fitters:

Montageschlosser/in, Stahlbauschlossermeister/in, Bauschlosser/in, Schiffbauer/in, Herdschlosser/in, Bauschlosser-Werkmeister/in, Rollbalkenschlosser/in, Schiffbauer/in, Armaturenschlosser/in, Schlüsselmacher/in, Schlosser/in Beschlägeschlosser/in, Konstrukteur/in – Stahlbautechnik, Metalltechniker/in, Blechschlosser/in, Waagenschlosser/in, Gewichtschlosser/in, Metalltechniker/in – Metallbau- und Blechtechnik

Occupations, offered in Niederösterreich:

Iron bender:


Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich, Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg:

Special technicians:

Optisch, Werkstofftechniker, Ledertechniker/in, Eichtechniker/in, Schweißtechniker/in, Raumplaner, Einrichtungstechniker/in, Reisetechniker/in, Härtetechniker/in, Kunststofftechniker, Glastechniker/in, Werkstättenleiter/in, Helpdesk-Techniker, Recyclingtechniker,

Holztechniker/in, Technische Berater,

Schuhtechniker/in, Zellstofftechniker

Prüftechniker/in, Holzbautechniker/in

Occupations, offered in Oberösterreich:

Carriage & Blacksmith builder:

Fahrzeugmonteur/in, Hufschmied/in, Fahrzeugbautechnik, Fahrzeugfertiger/in, Metalltechniker/in
