For the Highly Qualified employees from the third country, there are two opportunities:
1. You can go to Austria as Job seeker
2. You can request for Red White Red Karte with the qualified Austrian indication in your hometown or the country of housing, contributed that you earned a career invitation.
How to apply for the Job-Seeker Visa?
You must request for Job-Seeker Visa personal at the Austrian embassy in your hometown. You can obtain the Job-Seeker Visa if the Arbeitsmarktservice accepts that you reached the necessary points for entry.
When you get a job invitation during the existence duration of your visa, you can request a Red White Red Karte with the skill residence council in Austria
When you want to employ the valid manifestation in your valid process, be confident that your Austrian representative is licensed to do it. Oppositely your request cannot be fulfilled by the Austrian councils.
For the application of Job-Seeker Visa, the applicant must submit A travel document for example a passport, Birth evidence, Photo of the applicant, Documents of locally formal housing or adjustment, Evidence of insurance, Record of sufficient means of Livelihood
When can I receive a Red-White-Red Karte?
The main needed document for the Red White Red Karte is an actual career invitation. This business has to fit your credentials as tendering sufficient income. When these conditions are fulfilled, the AMS gives a positive examination and you can attain Red White Red Karte contributed that the common documents.
When you are an owner of a Red-White-Red Karte, you are qualified to a period concession and career by employer indicated in your request. The Red-White-Red Karte is commonly for 24 months.
When can the applicant receive the Red-White-Red Karte plus?
When a Highly eligible Person holding the Red-White-Red Karte, you can request for a Red White Red Karte plus in authority in Austria. When you were hired in agreement with eligibility norms of 21 months within the foregoing 24 months, for being examined by AMS.
When you are an owner of Red White Red Karte plus, you are allowed to adjusted duration concession and endless business market admission.